The use of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Crematoriums

Crematoriums, like other industrial facilities, are subject to strict environmental regulations regarding emissions, particularly as they involve the combustion of organic material. Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) play a vital role in ensuring crematoriums comply with these regulatory standards while maintaining an environmentally responsible operation.


CEMS are designed to measure key pollutants emitted during the cremation process, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (PM). By continuously monitoring these emissions, crematorium operators can ensure that pollutant levels remain within permitted limits, thus minimizing their environmental impact. Beyond regulatory compliance, CEMS enable early detection of operational inefficiencies that could lead to increased emissions, allowing for timely adjustments and improved combustion efficiency.

Furthermore, by integrating CEMS into crematorium operations, facilities can demonstrate a commitment to reducing their environmental footprint, ensuring that their operations are both sustainable and socially responsible. Through continuous monitoring and comprehensive data reporting, CEMS provide crematorium operators with the tools needed to achieve ongoing compliance, optimize fuel use, and minimize pollutant output.


How CODEL Can Support Crematoriums with Emission Monitoring

At CODEL International Ltd., we offer state-of-the-art emission monitoring systems specifically designed to meet the needs of crematoriums. Our CEMS solutions deliver reliable, continuous measurement of critical pollutants like NOx, SOx, CO, and particulate matter, ensuring full compliance with both local and national environmental regulations.

Our systems are designed with ease of use and minimal maintenance in mind, making them ideal for crematorium operators who require accurate monitoring with low operational demands. Whether you’re upgrading an existing system or implementing a new one, CODEL’s emission monitors provide a robust solution to help crematoriums manage emissions effectively, reduce environmental impact, and ensure ongoing regulatory compliance. With our proven technology, crematoriums can improve combustion efficiency, reduce excess emissions, and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment.


Suitable Products

The EnergyTech 301 is a low cost tribo electric dust monitor using well-proven technology providing accurate and rapid results.


A single-pass optical device which uses visible light to measure the opacity and dust within the flue gas.

Opacity / Dust

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