Getting the Design Right for a Reliable CO Mill Fire Monitoring System

Worldwide Support Over 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contracts Tailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experience Developing, manufacturing and installing Getting the Design Right for a Reliable CO Mill Fire Monitoring System Potential coal fires and coal-induced explosions in a coal handling system pose serious safety concerns for … Leer más

CODEL Conference 2019 Survey Results

Worldwide Support Over 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contracts Tailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experience Developing, manufacturing and installing CODEL Conference 2019 Survey Results It’s now a couple of months since the CODEL 2019 Conference which we all felt went very well but we also wanted to … Leer más

TunnelTech 305 Series – Wind Tunnel Test

Worldwide Support Over 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contracts Tailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experience Developing, manufacturing and installing TunnelTech 305 Series – Wind Tunnel Test CODEL International’s new TunnelTech 305 Air Flow Monitor designed exclusively for road and rail tunnel applications builds on years of experience … Leer más

GCEM40 Robust, Real-Time In-Situ Analyser – Hot-Wet Raw Gas Measurement for Forward Feed Control

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing GCEM40 Robust, Real-Time In-Situ Analyser – Hot-Wet Raw Gas Measurement for Forward Feed Control Varying fuel composition in Biomass and Energy from Waste processes makes it difficult to predict the amount … Leer más

Tips on Installing a Tribo-Electric Dust Monitor

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing Tips on Installing a Tribo-Electric Dust Monitor There are a number of factors to consider when selecting the position to install a sensor unit. These are listed below, in order of … Leer más

Using a Dust Monitor to Diagnose Potential Problems

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing Using a Dust Monitor to Diagnose Potential Problems Most fabric dust collectors clean their filter bags by injecting a short blast of compressed air down a singe row of bags. This … Leer más

How Are Dust Collector Systems Monitored?

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing How Are Dust Collector Systems Monitored? Operator Visual Checks Looking at stacks and vents and identifying dust emissions is extremely time consuming, inaccurate and probably too late. When a dust collector … Leer más

TunnelTech 305 Series – NEW Single Point Air Flow Monitor – Coming Soon!

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing TunnelTech 305 Series – NEW Single Point Air Flow Monitor – Coming Soon! Codel International’s new TunnelTech 305 Series designed exclusively for road and rail tunnel applications is an essential part … Leer más

Dust Monitoring – Choosing the Right Technology

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing Dust Monitoring – Choosing the Right Technology There are several technologies available to monitor dust emitted from collectors. The traditional ones are based on optical systems. However, sensitivity limitations of optical … Leer más

Air Flow Monitors in Tunnels

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing Air Flow Monitors in Tunnels In most tunnels there are ventilation systems installed of which there are three main types: Longitudinal ventilation Cross ventilation Longitudinal & Cross ventilation Depending on the … Leer más
