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Tribo Dust Monitor & Wireless Connectivity - UK Carbon Black Manufacturing Plant

Monitor de polvo eléctrico Tribo

The Customer

In 2020, CODEL International Ltd was approached by a prominent UK Carbon Black manufacturer facing challenges with their existing emissions monitoring system. The client sought a more cost-effective and efficient solution for monitoring and reporting emissions from their dust collectors. This case study details the successful installation of a new wireless environmental monitoring system. 

The Solution

The facility implemented the ET301 Dust Monitor and COMTECH360 wireless GSM technology, greatly reducing the environmental department’s time spent on compliance reporting. By integrating each dust monitor with the COMTECH system, upper management can now access status updates, historical data, and alarm conditions of production areas directly from their computers or devices via an online cloud-based dashboard. This advancement allows users to optimize performance and automate data capture for more efficient environmental compliance reporting.

The Result

The site currently operates two ET301 dust monitors integrated with the COMTECH system. The facility plans to expand this setup by “daisy-chaining” two additional dust monitors into the existing control panel. The implementation of the CODEL system has already resulted in a substantial reduction in service agreement costs and enabled the facility to bring emissions monitoring back in-house.


Summary of Benefits

Wireless environmental monitoring of any plant size.
Faster environmental compliance reporting for management and a healthier plant environment.
Monitor multi-site operations and multiple ET301 dust monitor installs.
Early warning critical alarm indications.
Bag filter performance monitoring (with predictive bag leak).

EnergyTech 301​ Dust Monitor

El EnergyTech 301 es un monitor de polvo de bajo costo que utiliza tecnología eléctrica tribológica bien comprobada que proporciona resultados precisos y rápidos. El EnergyTech 301 no requiere una alineación crítica y no tiene superficies ópticas para mantenerse limpio. El sensor es fácil de instalar, solo requiere una sonda simple y es ideal para conductos pequeños.

Características & ventajas

  • Método de detección directa, concentración real de partículas.
  • Función automatizada de verificación de cero y tramos en línea.
  • Función de calibración integrada para la salida de mg/m3.
  • Fácil instalación con un mantenimiento mínimo.
  • Adaptable, apto para prácticamente todos los colectores de polvo.
  • Amplia gama de tamaños de conductos de 250 mm a 2 m.

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