Monitoramento do Ar Ambiente

Ambient Air Quality Monitors Analyser

Ambient Air Monitoring Ambient Air Monitoring Ambient air quality monitoring involves measuring and assessing outdoor air pollutants to evaluate overall air quality, identify pollution sources, and ensure compliance with air quality standards. By continuously tracking air conditions, authorities and organizations can implement strategies to protect public health and improve environmental quality. What Pollutants Are Monitored? … Ler mais

Monitoramento de Usinas de Carvão

Process Control emission monitoring analyser

Coal Mill Monitoring What is Coal Mill Monitoring? Coal mill monitoring is a critical safety practice used in industries relying on pulverized coal for energy production. Coal’s propensity for spontaneous combustion poses significant risks, with coal fires often originating in hotspots when coal absorbs oxygen and generates heat. If undetected, these hotspots can lead to … Ler mais

Monitoramento de Emissões em Túneis

Road Tunnel multi gas and visibility emission monitoring analyser using Electrochemical Cell

Tunnel Emission Monitoring Tunnel Emission Monitoring Tunnel emission monitoring is a critical process that involves the measurement and assessment of pollutants released into the atmosphere within road tunnels and underground transportation systems. This monitoring is essential for ensuring compliance with air quality standards, evaluating the effectiveness of pollution control measures, and protecting the health and … Ler mais

Coletores de Pó

Dust Collector Monitoring What is Dust Monitoring? Dust monitoring refers to the process of detecting and measuring airborne particulate matter in industrial environments. Dust is a by-product of various industrial activities, such as combustion, manufacturing, mining, and recycling, and can pose significant risks to both worker health and the environment. Dust monitoring systems are designed … Ler mais

Monitoramento do CEMS

CEMS Monitoring (Continuous Emissions Monitoring) What is Continuous Emissions Monitoring? Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) involves the ongoing measurement of pollutants released from industrial processes, such as power generation, manufacturing, and waste treatment. CEM systems track harmful gases and particulates in real-time, including common pollutants like sulphur dioxide (SO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), carbon monoxide (CO), and … Ler mais

GCEM40E Extractive Gas Case Study

Worldwide SupportOver 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contractsTailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experienceDeveloping, manufacturing and installing CEMS Extractive Gas Monitor Case Study Eagle Valley Clean Energy, LLC owns and operates a 12MW biomass power plant, generating electricity from combustion of waste wood. The customer was using a … Ler mais

Estudos de caso

Case Studies GCEM40E Bydgoszcz Case Study Bydgoszcz Case Study – GCEM 40E The background: The Bydgoszcz Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) has a rich history dating back to 1929, with… December 4, 2024 VCEM5100 Gas Velocity Case Study Case Study – Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steel MillsVCEM5100 The Customer and The Requirements: Electric Arc … Ler mais

GCEM40E Extractive Gas Analyser Case Study

CEMS Extractive Gas Monitor Case Study Eagle Valley Clean Energy 12MW biomassfired (waste wood) electricity generating facility Download (PDF) The Challenge Eagle Valley Clean Energy, LLC owns and operates a 12MW biomass power plant, generating electricity from combustion of waste wood. The customer was using a cold dry extractive gas analyser for NOx compliance monitoring … Ler mais

CODEL 40 Series Product Training

Worldwide Support Over 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contracts Tailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experience Developing, manufacturing and installing CODEL GCEM40 Series In-house training This week CODEL provided an in-depth GCEM40 Series product training session to Miroslav from Analysis Doo, CODEL’s Serbian distributor. During the training session … Ler mais

WTC2023 Exhibition Athens

Worldwide Support Over 25 distributors and support centres worldwide Flexible maintenance contracts Tailor made plant specific contracts with 24Hr Support 30 years experience Developing, manufacturing and installing WTC2023 Athens  CODEL International Ltd attended the wtc2023 exhibition in Athens alongside our distributor Ifipco. The exhibition proved a great success with many guests coming to see us seeking help … Ler mais

Português do Brasil