Lar / Produtos / Controle de Processos / Boiler Efficiency / EnergyTech 401 Cross Duct CO Monitor

EnergyTech 401

Cross Duct CO Analyser

Rugged and robust design developed for easy installation and maintenance. Perfect for plant where there may be little or no technical support available.

Process Stack emission monitoring analyser

Visão geral

With no sampling system to maintain, CODEL cross-duct monitors are easy to install and simple to operate – vital for plant where there may be little or no technical support available.

The EnergyTech 401 analyser may be used as a complete stand alone monitor or as part of an integrated emission monitoring, logging and reporting system. The instrument is particularly suited to large/dirty processes.

Recursos e benefícios

Especificação do produto

Princípio de FuncionamentoInfrared Gas Filter Correlation
Range0 to 6000ppm.m
Exatidão+/-2% of measurement or +/-5ppm whichever is the greater
Path Length0.5 to 8m
Temperatura Ambiente-20 to +70°C
ConstruçãoCast aluminium, fully sealed to IP65
Poder 110/220V, 50/60Hz, 50VA (variations of +/-20%)
Saídas analógicas0/4-20mA isolated, 500Ω
Saídas a relévolt-free contact, 250V/10A
Data Valid Outputvolt-free contact, 250V/10A

Typical Applications

Produtos relacionados

VCEM5100 - Flow Monitor
GCEM40E - Gas Analyser

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